Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

My vote won’t even count.

ga liked this

GL all aaaaaah

gl in the future guys <3


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EoD1 Voteds

Who? By? How many?
Sharklifter Aelin, ATNoName (2808), Kanave (2810), Zone_Q11 (2859) 4/8
Kanave Agent47 (#1918), Jarek (2347), Mistyx (#2656) 3/8
ATNoName Wazza (#1412), Litten (#2681) 2/8
Jarek Kiiruma (#1794), Sharklifter (#2234) 2/8
Kiiruma Arctic (#2769), VooDooSh (#2920) 2/8
Aelin GamblingAddict (2839) 1/8
Not voting Magnus 1

Ping us (all hosts) if anything wrong IN YOUR ROLECARD. You have 5 minutes.

this post reserved for flavor

Sharklifter has been executed! They were…

Sticky Hands

Happiest moment: Tricked Lady Luck into sitting on a whopee cushion
Town Modposter

Each night, including N0, you may write a message (1000 character cap) & roll a dice. If you roll a 1, your message will be replaced with an advertisement, loosely related to something you said in your message. If you roll a 2 or a 3, your message will be put through Google Translate 5 times. If you roll a 4, 5 or 6, your message will come out completely normal. After this process, your message will be posted to the entire thread at start of day. You may not mention what happens or happened to your modified messages in your message.

Night 1 begins and will end 2021-12-29T18:00:00Z. Actions lock 1 hour before.

Actions lockced. Feedback going out soon.

1 Like

reserved for flavor

This topic was automatically opened after 63 minutes.

@GamblingAddict has died in the night! They were…


“Hobbies: Doing impressions. Hey hey, who’s this? ‘WELCOME to… DICEY DUNGEEOOOOOONS!’”
Town Vanilla

You only have your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Day 2 begins and will end 2021-12-31T18:00:00Z. Since there is 13 players alive, majority is 7.


NAI Mass Pingus


@Kiiruma @Agent47 you both suck at rolling dice

I would say skadoosh is shc’ed but i actually want to say the opposite


I am shocked at the fact that GA was Vanilia, who would of thought that a villager would fake a N0 check

I rolled a

yeah you suck at rolling dice