Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

what happened to your impatience and wanting me to vote immediately?

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idk whats happening but go off chloe

I said previously that if you were a w you always win this vote because there are some people itg who aren’t really sure on me and you only need 1 v, so sure, if you are a wolf it’s probably best you vote me

but if you are a v then I strongly recommend that you don’t vote me here and look at how I been interacting today with people

I’m impatient because I want to interact with you and want to see what you have done

Not necessarily because I want a vote to happen

I think it’s hypocritical that you wanted me to wait for you to catch up before people I voted you but you just used that time to write a case on me

which honestly I expect from you as a w based on your position itt

not much I can do about it though, since it only takes one v

Why Kiiruma Is a Wolf
The Ramblings of a Tired Chloe Who Still Hasn’t Read the Whole Game

I’ve wolfed with Kiiruma before. It may have been forever ago, and was also my first wolfgame, but I have firsthand experience with his wolfgame. I’ve also spectated and been a part of many other w!Kiiruma games. I’ve seen w!Kiiruma many many many times. He is mafia. This is his scumgame.

As a wolf, he struggles with TMI, and his reads are much more accurate than they would be as a villager.
He tends to townread people for very flimsy reasons, and his confidence level in them being town doesn’t tend to match his reasonings.
He consistently townreads top wagons if they’re town - god knows why lol, he just does. All the time.

His early D1 is incredibly awkward and uncomfortable:

The first bolded post feels like posting just to post - like he wants to look like he’s being useful but… he’s really saying nothing
The second and third bolded posts feel like he’s trying to fit in but not quiiite hitting the mark
Like he wants to be one of the cool kids

Aelin is also correct that his behavior here is far more awkward than how he acted in his recently completed village game, SCP FM

Here are some examples of classic Kiiruma TMI.

Dude like legit what the hell are these posts lol
How is this any reason to townread them
This is legitimately just TMI - and him forcing himself to provide reads that don’t exist

He has a habit of townreading villagers who are pushing him as a way to appeal to them. Also likely because he doesn’t know how to convincingly fake scumreads on villagers - especially if he’s under pressure

He talks to and about people like he knows they’re villagers. He doesn’t seem to genuinely consider a world where the people considering him are wolves. He may express hedge/uncertainty on their alignment but where’s that natural OMGUS feeling when you’re being pushed incorrectly? He knows these people are town

There’s no hint of suspicion on Agent here.

When Kiiruma finally outs some suspicion on Agent it’s
You think a wolf might be pushing you and you sigh, move on, and call it disheartening

Beep Boop
Dude knows Agent is town and wants him off his ass

Just read Aelin’s post regarding this response. She does a better job explaining how it’s bad than I could:

This is all classic w!Kiiruma TMI

I’m getting exhausted trying to balance realtiming and reading the whole game and finding someone to cross so I’m kinda giving up on continuing this unfortunately
Some other notes because I’m getting way way way too tired to put a lot more effort into this case:

  • The way he treated my claim is also TMI. He says he doesn’t believe it yet never follows through on pushing me for it. He instead backs off, because he knows I’m being truthful.

  • He loves to hide behind mech as a wolf. Which is exactly what he’s doing today with his claim.

  • w!Kiiruma kinda points to w!Jarek simply from his pushes and votes there lol

Like legitimately
If this doesn’t do it for you then read his ISO for yourself and tell me he isn’t an obvious wolf
Because he is lol

There isn’t a single villagery thing in all of his 300+ posts
And I’m not exaggerating

I think Litten is a wolf as well but I never ever win that cross today so whattheheckever
I’m voting earlier because if I’m right I think we’ll need as much time as possible for coordination and organization

good luck
if im wrong im sorry
i tried


if i’m wrong please just end the game

/vote Kiiruma @Host_Account_1

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I got heel turned on

I’m not voting yet btw :wowee:

not hammering, litten?

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im soi fucking anxious rn ive never been the first voter ibn lylo lol

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the world not exploding is a good sign I think

not voting


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So if I end up thinking you’re town I need to gladiate to reset your vote.
Really wish you had just discussed it with me first fml

acfually I just realized that this doesn’t do anything if kiiruma is town gladiator and Chloe is town

Kiiruma can reset votes

youre kidding me

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