Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

@Aelin so you scumread wazza

but instead of trying to point out that they were just blatantly lying about not theatring in previous games, you decide to like
subtly point it out but not try and use it against them?

that’s kind of the impression i got from this entire thing
you weren’t really carrying the scumread of wazza
atlas ended up doing it for you while you just kinda sat back, bitched about random stuff and then liked atlas’s posts accusing wazza

I spent the entire day asking for protectives yesterday

my luck runs out tonight

no i just thought the idea of “point out exact points where ive theatered” was absolutely hilarious

Hey if you give me an extra dice
I can try my best

can you choose which dice to use for your ability

why do you scumread wazza again

why did it not feel like you were actually scumreading her in that interaction, rather just bitching at her (but mostly me and atlas)

it feels drastically different to your kiiruma and voodoosh scumreads yesterday

where did this come from

I was told nothing
But if I don’t get screwed it won’t be a net loss for town

because me bitching at her is not entirely relevant to the game
also she became very adamant that she wasnt going to do… really anything content-wise so i pretty much already made up my mind at that point

if I give someone an extra dice I imagine it would be like dicey dungeons where you can click and drag the dice to use for the ability


I wasn’t told anything

ever since i got into thread arctic has essentially looked at everything ive done and just went “hey this is scummy” and its gotten to the point where i could probably say “who wants pizza” and he would go “pizza has tomato sauce, which is red. you know what else is red? blood. you know who wants blood? wolves.”

you are bitching at her for something outside of the game??

why do you scumread her

If I roll another 1 again for my ability I’m going to want to stab someone.
Lady Luck hates me.
F’ing Nagito Komaeda eat your heart out.

I assume both abilities are used, or which dice rolls the highest

this is a lie i said you correcting atlas was villagery

this reads to me as TMI
