Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Yeah you’re probably right, that and an established friendship. I don’t know though. He flipped good and unless there’s some kind of janitor role he’s good

Shark felt like he was actually scumreading you
Wazza and aelin just feels like I dont want to scumread her too hard because then she might be wagoned but too soft and it’ll be weird what do I do what do I do

yeah the whole “he isn’t doing what he usually does” is a fair read but misguided because I don’t act like I do absolutely everywhere smh

you see I prefer the element of unpredictablity, it can potentially differentiate whos good and evil based on reaction altho too much and its hard to discern between not knowing what to do or being galaxy brain.

never said this
I asked for your reasons to prove a point, my point was proven based on your only point to vote them was after your vote itself, my reasons for voting Aelin are mine to know for now since I’m not pushing on them, I don’t need to state them for now. You, however, should state reasoning for voting them considering you’ve been on their wagon for hours now without giving a good reason apart from “could be scum with Wazza because haha theatre read”

yeah Idk the whole theatre thing seems like reaching, to the point it’s laughably shallow from my point of view. I don’t care enough to read the previous posts so I don’t get to say anything but outside POV says it’s probably not an accurate assessment

jarek are you going to keep playing ping pong on reads

Then don’t bother pushing her
She’ll likely die here anyway

you are so ignorant my god

No, I just find it funny to say whatever comes to mind


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I am NOT pushing her.
You ARE pushing her.
You should explain why YOU are pushing her.

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Read my posts

Why do you scumread her
Just a sentence or two will do

I have read your posts
You haven’t stated anything apart from the theatre thing which was directed towards me

Clearly you have not

I’m questioning this because it doesn’t seem like you have a clue yourself

I’m asking you to state that! I’m asking you to state why you scumread Aelin. I’m not stating my reasoning because I want someone else dead today more than I want Aelin dead, you however are voting Aelin, you want to kill Aelin, you are pushing on them, so state why YOU are pushing Aelin, holy shit.

I remember why I permanently muted your main account now, don’t you dare ever tell me what I have and haven’t done when clearly you know nothing. Seriously, tell me why you scumread Aelin, you’ve wasted hours on this shit because I’ve asked you to state so many times. And if you have stated and I somehow missed it, show me then because all I’ve noticed is the theatre post directed at me.

Voodoo flips town, now what?

I don’t think Voodoo will flip Town and if they do, I’ll think about it when I want to be bothered to think about it, aka if or when they flip