Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Sacha Baron Cohen Reaction GIF by Amazon Prime Video

No we wonā€™t

whahttps://www.fortressoflies.com/t/dicey-dungeons-fm-9-15-game-thread-day-4/700/7145t made you change your mind on me


not with that attitude ):<

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what made you change your mind on me

not sure what happened with the link there

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Did you just have a melt-down and speak an entire hyperlink mid-sentence


is this you copying a link about your scumbud being townread


i stg if it is lol

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i take screen shots i donā€™t do hyperlinks

look at any of my past scum games wolf chats

why is my theme purple

like i like it but i dont think it used to be like this

Ooooooh my chat box is purple and I love it.
At least the outside is

what did you have to say abt that link?

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it doesnā€™t even lead anywhere

wait are people only getting the purple update now

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i think what happened is i clicked a hyperlink chain when i was typing a post on computer and it got pasted in somehow

Nothing has, but by process of elimination someone has to be evil, best way of finding them is by finding the town members that are in this mess, thereā€™s only 5 of us after all, and we should in theory be easier to detect than someone trying to remain hidden.

Unfortunately everyone here is equally of the ā€œevilā€ status to me and I canā€™t even say I trust the people saying Iā€™m town because everyones saying Iā€™m evil so fucking much itā€™s almost like the people saying Iā€™m town are evils themselves trying to suck up to me to get me to vote with them


it leads to this post

I think