Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

this means less to me than someone telling me PKR is town for ATEing


thoughts on me/jarek crossing

instead of scumhunting i think i will write a brief summary on why we should blame each player for the loss if they are town

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arctic - bad
chloe - bad
fk - bad
kiiru - bad
jarek - bad
nappy - bad
wazza - bad
zone - bad


atnoname is the cause of us losing, i blame them for our failure

i wonder who his other target was
maybe it was a wolf :pensive:

feels like arctic is purposefully trying to make me think hes town from the way he’s acting
this is a self centered read but

i’ll bet my uh


cuz if they’re mafia i’ll lose it anyway

why tf would i be wasting my time doing this

you are sadistic and like toying with people
and its the best way to keep thread complacent

while my wim is low right now if dopamine hits the right places long enough I can get loud too

where has this come from lmao

its me projecting you as a monster because it makes it easier to confront with the fact that we are losing and I need someone to blame

i swear you asked me this before and i explained that i dont bother to do shit like that as scum

i just take the path of least resistance

literally anyone who’s seen me wolf can confirm this

I need a boogeyman

why should i believe you though

this entire game i believed i was the unlucky one being obvious town because it meant everyone else had 1 less slot they had to worry about whereas i still have to read everyone

but ive actually had less paranoia about you than you have about me

which is probably stupid because of how good your wolfgame is

if you two are scum your back and forth here is popcorn material

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