Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Wazza why did it feel like you were going to vote and then you vanished


because I was then I got pizza

Fair point, pizza always is an acceptable excuse

still don’t think you win a vote against Chloe tho

I’m placing the blame solely on who votes first becayse this is a fair and unbiased way of distributing blame

unless they hit a wolf in which case they are a god

I don’t vote Chloe

Atm I vote you or Arctic

because from isoing voodoo we agreed on the same aspects of his iso that made him townie but then you also expressed skepticism on his slot based on his inactivity which now i dont think can be used as a reliable method to read his slot and should be considered NAI

when i last played with chloe, chloe feels very natural as townie, almost to a fault since it contrasts with her wolf game where she’s more performative (makes flashy posts with super in-depth reads)

my assessment leans more towards the former but i think im moreso riding on the voodoo read

(also how the fuck does chloe have more posts than me already)

yeah you definitely lose this votes

I really don’t care

Okay but I do if you are town

if you’re actually gonna do this then lmk so i can vote chloe


i’m 1/6th of the way thru stuff i havent read
please give me time
there are A Lot of posts and things to take in

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i dont care about meta in lylo based on not even one day’s content

Getting really tired of the “I don’t care” posts people are posting, you may not care but the other people do definitely care

good crosspost

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whats ur reason for scumread?

read today’s posts
it’s quite important

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mafia is a team game but people want to pretend it’s a fps game

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