Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

if i was a wolf you guys already lost
go home

That’s the point™

Either you’re pushing me in bad faith and I need to bury you before you get me buried.
Or, you’re town and imploding.

That makes sense if your town
But I don’t know if your actually town
Taking a look back will only leave me with the same conclusion

Basically: your mindset makes sense, but I can’t be expected to follow it

I’m literally talking… to a brick wall rn.
You are HARD reinforcing my words that you are so narrow minded and tunnel visioned rn

/Vote ATNoName

/vote atnoname @Host_Account_1

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feel free to have any explanation other than sheeping

i offer salvation to anyone who votes with me consistently D1

can’t salvation refer to death

I’m not a dictionary nerd

i want you to know i had to refresh my page for this

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idt this site can be saved

this is why I should be given infinite dayvig

if wolves could give an infinite dayvig they would probably give it to you

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I just heard your place is among us on tv

please do
i want to shoot those that displease me

Don’t shoot yourself… that’s never the solution