Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Hi, I don’t know how I’m still awake but I feel like the game’s going in a weird direction and I need to come here to talk.

So far it seems Chloe/Jarek have kinda let up on each other and both are turning towards me a bit, am I right?

If so it seems I need to defend myself and prepare for a battle of sorts. After all due to it being LyLo I cannot let even a single person make a mistake here. I just wish yall could’ve suspected me and been around at a better time of day

Kiiruma you are a gladiator right? Can you force votes to reset after they are locked?

now I wish my n1 neigborizer worked on you

Yeah? I can do. But I cannot risk a single misvote or else game could be over dependent on how many wolves are present and able to quickhammer.

Also sorry about that? I remember you complaining about our dice and my luck has not been good

you, Wazza (I guess he’s somewhat excused if he’s a VT, atlas, and Arctic all suck at rolling dice

oh wait Arctic also claimed VT

(wazza uses she/her)


So how exactly does your thing work? You seemed to know I didn’t roll certain dice, so do you just know what dice we roll?

The hosts checks to see if my dice rolls match one of yoyr rolls and if they do you are added to my chat

lol well half this game can’t ever join your chat because they can’t roll dice

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and some even lie about being able to join my chat
Looking at you, Wazza

A dice mechanic when the vanillas can’t even roll dice just seems…lacking foresight?

I can give them a dice tho and that can enable them to join my chat on the slim chance it matches one of my rolls

I literally said not to pick me :newspaper_roll:

you claimed commuter and I was willing to take the chance that you rolled a four in the case you didn’t

I never got dice bro where’s my dice

you never asked

tbf I did literally claim one-shot commuter alongside other abilities

this game was missed potential based on the roles I’ve already seen



Ok nvm I’m garbage at rolling dice too

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Oh, ok.
Yeah my results have been 1, 1, 1, (non-1)

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