Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

Did killing agent over arctic really make sense? Does that imply that the mafia don’t have a role that can bypass protection despite everyone telling me that exists and is why you shouldn’t claim? Who knows…

I don’t think this thought process is clearing for kiiruma I’m just wondering why mafia haven’t used it if they are mafia


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that’s fair I guess

I would still want to use it honestly but that’s just me

waiting for arctic to get back on and vote me

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The way you got mad at me for not trying to win this game more instead of letting it happen makes me think you’re probably good because I don’t think a wolf would give a shit and take the free W

I can’t sleep now because of you Chloe

you asked for this

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why would you do sometning I asked you for that seems like a poor judgment call

Kiiruma is like: I must focus and solve the game with my ability!

dissapears from the thread entirely

they probably will be back

If not they’re taking my vote and the L


even if we vote out w!kiiru im gunna have to go thru another day of this huh :wowee:

at least by then i’ll have read the whole thread

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god bless your soul

i will simply vote another woofer

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Do me next am I evil

there’s only so many you can bus

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Alright, I’d say the top 3 of these are your main reasons yes?
I can’t say ‘you’re wrong’ about your reasons because in all honesty, I know that it’s right and I’ve been able to see it in many of my games.

Chloe Analysis Part 1

Yep I’ve noticed that myself.

Kinda just my usual sort of introduction since I don’t exactly know all of the people and I introduce myself as a mech boi. It also follows up with my inquiries into the setup speculation because I do think it was useful to know and it’s a ‘mechanic’ that I can learn more about and use later on when trying to world build (not that I ever really did post much of a worldbuild now that I think about it. Oof)

I don’t really usually do ‘early game’ as I think you should know from our vast history together so I think that’s a lot of why I felt awkward and I can acknowledge I was too. I think as I do more games and actually am here for start of game scenarios this’ll improve and come more naturally to me but it probably seemed more artificial than it should.

Analysis Part 2, the 'TMI' era of hedge

Chloe these were early reads and early for me even. Like try to realise that. I understand they seem so fucking bad in isolation but like you need to consider the times instead of just going ‘Hurr durr this fits my worldview’ because this is as I said earlier one of many times where I feel like this is happening.

It really is just what I was thinking and it was so weak that I even acknowledged they were weak and that my reads were weird.

The main reason why I don’t ‘consider a world where the people considering him are wolves’ is because I know that if I view things in that way I’m going to be jaded for the entire fucking game against them. I know how I can come across.

Also on top of this, Aelin voted me ‘due to wanting to pressure me’ and Zone at the time was because I told him to ‘shut up’ so like I don’t understand why I’m supposed to scumread them. I did say I could see a wolf pushing me but I didn’t know who to think was a wolf because I’m hedgy as all fuck. I don’t want to OMGUS because I know how it looks. Like it or not, I’m fucking self aware sometimes

I legit don’t know how to turn around on them when it doesn’t seem others liked Agent at the time and there was nobody really against them… in fact people were more on their side than mine. It felt ‘disheartening’ because I didn’t know what the fuck to do and all I could see is it might be mafia doing it in bad faith or town just being stupid.

No, I was annoyed with Agent literally just being so close minded. I didn’t know if agent is town or scum. I thought agent might be mafia but I wanted to think that they wouldn’t just continue on me as they did and I thought I made this clear in my post.

The conclusions of pain

No it’s because I don’t know what to make of you/VooDoo having had contradicting claims because I hate to point out the fucking obvious right now but a misvote is fucking bad especially since I’m the one who’s able to fucking reset the votes so I wanted to keep my vote safe for longer

And I don’t as town? Fucking really? Chloe, legit, think to all of my games not just ones which fit your worldview, please. I don’t care at this point if you are town or wolf doing this to me but I don’t want you to be fucking lying about me at the very least or giving half truths.