Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


yeah ofc

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then why do you wanr jarek to vote me lol

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Look just take the bold vote and leave it I donā€™t give a fuck who wins any more Iā€™m showing myself up

yeah dude is just trolling and a wolf



good stuff yā€™all


to get the game over with atp

jarek why are u trolling

I am literally not trolling or a wolf I genuinely have no idea how this shit works

I guess since youā€™re not trolling and Wazza is acting like thisā€¦ sheā€™s probably a wolf between Mist and Wazza.

Iā€™d look towards FK for their trolly attitude today

As for last wolf with those 3 idk fully

Can you please just accept my vote on kiiruma I bolded that vote

The other ones werenā€™t bolded so whatever

Iā€™m not even a part amused rn

Iā€™m going to get ignored because people think Iā€™m trolling lmao

u seemed amused a few minutes ago

what happened

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I hate this game.

Jarek, do
**/Vote (Name) @(LadyLuck)
Followed by 2 *'s next to the @

do not vote.

nappy votes next

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get back here
you saying this only makes sense if you think im the only wolf out of the three

Jarekā€™s taking the piss.
I feel like gameā€™s a loss and I just havenā€™t enjoyed FK the entire day

ok if youā€™re absolutely certain that you donā€™t actually want me to vote then fine but I just wanted to vote ok