Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)


why has wazza done nothing
is it village ai

not in the slightest
if she dies to modkill she dies to modkill shrug
i pinged inactives
if they dont come its their fault

village ai meaning like, inactive good guy?

she hasnā€™t 0 posted

AI = Alignment Indicative
TWTBAW = Too wolfy to be a wolf
WIFOM = Wine in front of me = an unbeatable mindgame like rock paper scissors
also >rand means ā€œabove rand chancesā€, so say we have an 11v4 or whatever rand chance would be 11/15 to be town or 4/15 to be scum, so >rand would be like, 13/15 to be town or 7/15 to be scum

thats basically everything you need to know

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im aware. shes six posted.

village alignment indicative

as in, is wazza doing nothing more likely to come from villager her

i raise this point because she prefers playing wolf and generally does more as a wolf

Oooooh, okay, got it, thanks

btw you were asking for reads on you from a post above, do you want me to post what i think about you atm or nah

imagine like playing as a bad guy L

i hate playing as both teams

therefore i dont care

i wasnt but yeah sure go for it

then why play

because the game is fun

k you responded to the jest but not the important thing
do the important thing

i thought you did at one point im stupid, thought you said something about sussing the people not giving reads about you

But what I think: Neutral opinion, sided mafia (so neutral pointing towards mafia to me, but not exactly yet)
Active pusher but in my opinion too active on a push, it feels like the push albeit understandable feels a bit out there already and too hard to me because it is this early, it feels like a baddie trying to pressure a town into looking bad and slipping up however thatā€™s just me personally on how people push and etc, you could easily change but for now its kind of the line between i dont know and the i dont trust you part, however that could easily change as we are on the first day, and of course as we play differently most likely (And also because im newer to forums, but donā€™t take my new to forums as in, new to SD, I play a lot of SD so I donā€™t really want people disregarding me as a baddie cause im ā€˜ā€˜newā€™ā€™ as it feels like a card to get out of reading me)

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disgusting read

new players having seemingly no idea what to do but enjoying the game is >rand wolf

Well this is a new type of game and Iā€™m still learning how it might work, donā€™t want to step on anyones toes by being a motormouth

Why exactly did you expect that people would no longer scumread you if you left the game?
I understand that you needed to take a break, but that doesnā€™t mean that doing so will remove the initial bias against you. This may be a game, but it isnā€™t a simulation game.

Iā€™ll be real here: I donā€™t have any active reason to scumread you (hence why you are in scumlean, and have orange color in my readlist). Your posts just look worse compared to others.
For example, your thought process that I mentioned above does not make sense to me as town. The last time I encountered anything remotely close to it was when I played with clonedcheese, and he came back to the game expecting to get townread for doing nothing. Now granted, he was town in that game, but you arenā€™t clonedcheese.

Okay, let me ask this then: ā€œWho do you think we should go for?ā€
At the moment, Iā€™m all in favor to vote Agent for continuously dodging my question, and I recall either Aelin or Mistyx wanting to go after VooDoo for being a people-pleaser.
What are your inputs about these two?

While it is understandable that mafia might follow suit to make reads, that does not imply that we can townread Kiiruma for not making reads. Especially when Kiiruma actually did try to make the reads, but then came up with ā€˜Thereā€™s not much to comment on but nothing stands out as bad or particularly goodā€™ (P#261) as his results.

If it is a shitty list because some people have barely posted, then why donā€™t you remove those people from your list first? Now you should have:

  1. ATNoName
  2. Aelin
  3. Agent47
  4. Jarek
  5. Sharklifter

ā€“and now you can elaborate more about these five. More specifically, why do you have Aelin and Jarek in your POE?

You can by writing **text** or by highlighting your text and then clicking the B-button on the toolbar.

Fair enough, Iā€™m kind of just not worrying because alls fun in the game and Iā€™m personally just trying to make the game fun in a way I guess by being me, but idk i kind of like being a personality

i expected a bunch of hedge
i received a bunch of hedge