Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

I did not like Atlas this game

N1. 6 1
N2. 3
N3. 6 6

can someone invite me to dead chat

@Atlas what was with that whole thing when you were intentionally annoying me

i just rolled last out of 23 in a randed signups game

literally less than an hour ago

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let me get my 3 seconds of glory from one person

Shortnight 2 is a ptsd experince i will never forget

me and chleb got gaslight to hell.

I even got FK and Cents, but i was destroyed mentally and emotionally and i stopped pushing them as a wolf team :cry: :cry: :cry:


no like
you played well
and I knew you were town
that’s what I hated

I didn’t mean to troll Chloe intentionally btw

it’s just my wolf nature to talk about American style and Russian style mid way through the game :wowee:

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I hate rerereading stuff so it might be that if you were trying really hard to get a point across

i read SoD1 and found arctic v before day started and was so hype to come into the game and mason with arctic and dunk on some wolves



Eevee also interpreted one of our night kills on wind as serious because it was bolded when it was an obvious joke

Eevee eventually relented but it was not fun having to try to tell the host “why the fuck are you interpreting that as serious and as a no kill even if you warned us when it was obviously a joke?”

did Wind die though

He gave us 2 mins to change our submission and we changed it to you and you died

very rude

honestly I’d like to see someone do this type of game again since this game had a lot of potential


I recommend reading my rants about dicey dungeons in the wolf chat and how it compares to forum mafia :wowee:

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I wanted this game to be a fun mechanicful game but instead I got disappointment the moment I read “Town Vanilla”

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I don’t think it was a bad setup but I do not think the reviewer did their job when reviewing this setup


Town needed an invest role

Plain and simple

Or jail keeper

One of the two