Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

are you coaching sharklifter

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how tf do you do challenges in that, all i remember when i think i played it is that the game was hard af

thats why i prefer the newer versions cause they are easier


thats what i would say if i was coaching sharklifter

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no way i thought you were

I’m going to go wake up now

dont care, vote voodoo

damn didnt know you were sleeping at the time you were talking

thats some lucid dreaming skills

i mean
this is my sixth time playing it in the past five days
right now im on track for a sub 3 hour run in the randomizer

first time i played was a randomizer and it took me roughly 11 hours
second time took me about 8
third i did it normally and it took me about 6 hours
fourth i did a randomizer again and it took me about 7 hours
fifth i did a randomizer again and it took me about 5 hours

jesus christ thats a lot for a game i’d consider boring if i played it like for more than a hour ngl, it’s not my style of game to play a long time for

:skull: what the hell

fair play but i’d fucking die of boredom by the time i get past the first hour

youve been here for like two hours though

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ye literally two hours and one minute

thats cause this is fun i like this type of game

plus i have nothing else to do with my time

imagine playing fm because you LIKE it

i like social deduction games therefore i like this

also i like talking to people

but the only pokemon game i played regularly was the pokken tournament one and that was like, 2/3 years ago

and pokken tournament wasnt even a normal pokemon game, it was literally a fighting game

also my shoulder is starting to lock up so i might switch to mobileposting