Dicey Dungeons FM (8/15) - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

you have one, singular chance to tell me whether or not this is a joke

i hope something that i think happened hasnt happened

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no you werent
i dont know if you know but the world split threads are public

I know they are, yes.
So feel free to recheck.
I feel like I was awkward, whether or not I came across that way is a different question.

I was the epitome of the ā€˜guess Iā€™ll dieā€™ meme and I also kinda was active there and not in the main thread which made me feel more awkward.

jarek dont do it


Do you think I was some sort of strong town voice, not awkward at all?
As if so, you and me remember vastly different games.

i was saying that because i just skimmed through it lol
youre exponentially more awkward here

Curious as to why you would think Iā€™d be joking in a game like this where the only information people have to go off of is what I type, especially when sarcasm doesnā€™t translate that well on text

it was an obvious meme so your post doesnt deserve to be dignified with a response

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no lol but it wasnt overpowering

Welcome to my life and my first ever game which Iā€™ve posted early in

guess iā€™ll die

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i read this as ā€œfeel free to redcheckā€

I might be awkward, but Iā€™m not that awkward.

this is a bit of a strawman i think

Iā€™m not good at defending myself, ok?

Itā€™s early on and Iā€™m not enjoying pressure already when I kinda felt both awkward and yet relaxed in thread prior Aelin against me.

I know my posts have been awkward, it doesnā€™t take a detective to see it. But I donā€™t know what you do at start of game. And Iā€™m trying to explain and itā€™s not working

i mean
its working fine and im acknowledging your posts
but ive decided to be a bit more pushy this game

i am well aware of this