Players may now take theirs turn.
Gonna use Buttercup on the wolf right by the window, who will hopefully poison and kill it.
Epic, target takes 1 damage, and needs to make a DC 9 Consitution Saving throw. Take
@discobot roll 1d8
poison damage on a failed save, half as much on a successful one.
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(we round up)
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I am going to use the great axe with mighty swing while on the ground, I could get back on again after this
how much is deduced?
@Discobot roll 1d20
that is halfed poison damage.
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presuming this is 16 + 2 attack since great axe automatically deduce 5- when using it
roll again for disadvantage
is it?
(if using reckless attack, it neutralizes the DA)
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nah not yet
It is, but you needed 2 succesfl rolls to hit due to being knowcked on ground.
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