DnDCord (it's not on discord)

Drakax the dragonborn dashes out of the door entrance and goes past the wolf pack and stop to his tracks to face them from behind and Sasha, he lean his head back and make astonishing physic energy he draws from his mouth in range about six wolves or seven in his 15-feet cone range

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(could have removed sasha, but eliza did before me so yeah)

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(I am using BREATH WEAPON, ALL WOLVES outside must roll saving throw of CON DC12)

First of all, you use all move while at the same time draggins someone. Also pushing through Drakax (there is no place inside due to npcs being around) and pushing npc to make room for Sasha.

I’m saying this is not posible. NPCs are crowding iside, you would also need to push Frost and grab Hippo, which is too many things at once.

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hmm ok

no it’s not impossible

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But since I move out of the way anyway!


alr i put sasha in the top right corner and me in the top left corner
hopefully this avoids the attack
and then i attack whatever wolves are left after frosts’ action

you can have people on the blue spaces feasibly

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yeah that was the plan

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f you move first, it’s proabbly still not possible, depending on placement. Moving past someone would need to expend a bonus action. Grabbing Sasha is also a bonus actions for me.

I move behind the pack of wolves, use BREATH WEAPON and make them roll DC12 on CON stat

Show me on map what are you doing.

And I am fine with that by sacrificing that bonus action

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alr then i just shout to sasha to do it

since i puppet her anyways

Knocked prone


Shoving 2 wolfs to move past them. Not possible.