DnDCord (it's not on discord)

apprentice hasn’t even subbed in>?

It’s flavor role

oh wait

Should I? I’m sure everyone will believe me.

lmao ok

its a flavor cop don’t claim it yet

“What’s that suppose to mean?”


“It’s not important, just some scribbles”

“Well there is still that herb collecting and that mysterious hamburger, a quick search for herbs before we move to Shore Road.”

"One of the NPCs remarks, “This is the consequence of placing trust in bandits. We, on the other hand, would never exploit you in such a manner. Can we proceed towards the city now?”


(Since I do recall the details of herb collecting, what is it?) @DungeonMaster

(Noet from a DM: you are fully free to look around, it’s just NPC being impatient)

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It’s about collecting a herb which only blooms at dusk.

(In the DnD, the passage of time corresponds roughly to FAM time phases.)


“Yeah lets”

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Next time I see that damn goose I’ll yell some curses at it in Primordial.

After resolving the situation with the bandits in a non-violent manner, the characters come to a decision to continue their journey along Shore Road. They embark on a few uneventful hours of travel, where not much of interest occurs.

(This time without time skip. You can still talk to 8 NPCs if you wish, but I might be late to reply. Ping me if you talk to them please.)

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(That’s good because I’m heading to a movie soon. Gonna see The Room. It’s gonna be terrible)

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(We take break anyway)

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(Gg sorry i missed it again ;(