FAM2 Game Thread 1 - Day 1

Cant wait for Luxy to start a crusade against people who have anime characters in their PfP

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i want to vote you for this

Unfortunately for luxy I have a slew of pfp material

literally vote me for anything rn it’s the start of the game no one really cares

also i agree eliza villagery yeah

I like that read

Ok Eliza can be town

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there has to be a dayvig because otherwise it’s impossible to complete the italy flavor dying d1 trinity

I however have an exam in 7 hours and it’s my final one, wish me luck and gn :wave:

i’m fking dead then

18 days. Hell for all involved


it’s hard being a tryhard

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ok idk

(and no, it isn’t simply because he’s posting game related stuff, the stuff he’s saying feels towny and freeflowy af)

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you know i might take you up on this

anyway probably going to do my thing where i afk and come back and make reads later

Are you Happy or is that a naming coincidence?

I find hhat post more NAI than anything else.

wazza is not waza/happy/illario


i was thinking of doing this but then i saw a post and thought “mech soft = town”