FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

Describe your playstyle?

Didn’t Alice literally shoot down Demisha?

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That was gorta, but I cased and put her as a priority shot as well as shooting her.

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No? Gorta did.


is alice a busser or not

my impression is that she’s realistically been townsiding way too hard to be a wolf unless she has an explicit hellbus meta

Yes she has, though that should be obvious if she lives too long.
For now I’m willing to call her town.

Though I’m not sure if Alice living too long is that reliable a tell. As Alice has survived for a long time as town in a game on old FoL.

I bus often but I’m not a hellbusser. I usually bus if I see that a team-mate is hopeless like in the Unova Mash where I pretty much had to kill a few team-mates because they were outed super quick.

Here I’d say that I’m probably out of my wolfrange as bussing a mate with a 48% ITA hit rate D1 like Sulit is just bonkers since I always prioritize keeping our KP safe, tbh.


And thst they were a strongman as well

Tbh i think wolf you would have joined the wagon later instead of earlier tbh

yea okay i’ll believe it

will bbl

Blizer, where’s your head at?

I just woke up

Saw the dem flip pogged out, and also realized that slot was like sulit frozen as hell

Hip flipping town makes me sad, cause i actually thought he was a wolf tbh

You have a terrible habit of answering questions with more questions.

Hmm, long story short - I focus on one person at a time, iso and reread to get macro view on theirs playstyle.
I’m macro player. As scum I also make long-time plans. Also I do a bit of psychological analysis and trying to understand other person.

I hate and will never do what most people are doing, aka. making micro reads from the thread post-by-post basis. It’s just way better to try to go through whole approach of a person and theirs game as a whole than swap between 50 different people.
Tl;dr. strategist player archetype.

Which comes with own flaws - aka. I’ve had time to analyze 3 people day 1. And one of them is dead.

That’s same reason why people like Wazza are mad at me in game, cause I am able to do “nothing” for like two days, when in reality I’m setting up for the game.
Same thing why I hate readlists, cause I don’t think anyone is able to actually read ~20 players at game accurately. With rereads, with isos.
And this readlists are bound to be inaccurate and change. Mine on the other hand happened to be 100% accurate on like day 2-3 with 15+ players alive. Down to a role, not even only alignment. Well, for this game it’s not going to happen, cause I definitely won’t be able to read 50 players in 24h days, iso, make notes, etc.

But now again, do you think my approach of discussing events and what are theirs conclusions for game is a bad approach to have something going on for that playstyle. While at the same time, as I said, I read some people… who I’m expecting to live till the endgame?


I could have sworn you were talking about AtNoName and Proph for starters.

@Alice you plaied with me in past. How did you even forget my playstyle in the first place?

Nanook should die imo from his awful vote on me yesterday (which i believe to be consensus on the shot list)

I think litten is town, cause he never ever fucks over his wolf partners by pointing out that whysp post, hes allergic to pushing out his wolf mates when he is one

Tafy having an ita shield i think is more wolfy than towny

Need coffee for more energy

My favorite meta with Alice, is that me and Alice never in same alignment as each other.

This is ATN’s most AI post. They didn’t post that much, but that’s not out of the ordinary for what I’d expect out of them on the little meta I have. Content wise I’d want to follow nothing out of this. It keeps every option open for most of the reads, so commits nothing. Lots of this seems memey, so hard to read into it.

Sets up an expectation on Chloe basically having to find scum ASAP or she’s a goner.

Hmm… ATN pushes a worldview here of not posting = town. If ATN heavily prefers rolling scum, then this reads like a reflection of their own state in the thread making them very likely town. If they don’t have such a preference, then they are simply excusing their activity level, which I could see going either way.

Mostly jokes, Although I totally townread Whysper too on their opener from that emoji, emoji players unite! :upside_down_face:

Sounds like a serious read. I quite like this, since it puts pressure on Aelin to start contributing.

More jokes.

This feels really bad faith.

Are you saying that all your reads thus far don’t have a hint of truth to them?

@ATNoName Do you like playing scum or town more and can you demonstrate why?


I cont yhink i have menton ATno

I think he can be shit, getting vibes from deus ex 5 (totally not because he wolf slipped my slot no siree)

Serious, yeah not impressive

Proph i dont know his meta im relying on other people for his tells tbh.

Actual question, does wolf proph bus his mates