FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

Stop making fun of me failing to remember all new names tyvm.

Have a nice nsp.

boat event and tone

according to what marshal said, it might’ve been me that threw it by accident btw (there was an updated poll that i was confident i voted in too, but im honestly not sure if i did or not). Pls just ignore the event stuff

i thought her solving yesterday was good?

but i feel like whysper tmi’ed there being more than 1 wolf in boat event

I don’t think so.

i missed this

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she made a post which was like "oh did all the wolves join boats again? :slightly_smiling_face: " even though all she was told was that one wolf died

I think this is my fault, I wrote it down wrong. QFT:

/activate ITA shield

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I can buy that actually

Who was in the boats event ?

/activate ITA hitrate increase

kiiruma atlas marl wind crich wisdom

That’s beyond the point. I mostly wanted to know if Italy had any more information about what happened, cause they were pretty confident about it.

it wasnt a shot

if there’s another wolf in boats it’s probably atlas
windy basically gave the reins to crich as soon as it was her turn i think
she could have easily saved wisdom and had wisdom save kii
then kii picks me over crich and a villager likely dies

i’m confused

Who looks the worst iyo?