FAM2 Game Thread 2 - Day 2

i thought her solving yesterday was good?

but i feel like whysper tmi’ed there being more than 1 wolf in boat event

I don’t think so.

i missed this

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she made a post which was like "oh did all the wolves join boats again? :slightly_smiling_face: " even though all she was told was that one wolf died

I think this is my fault, I wrote it down wrong. QFT:

/activate ITA shield

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I can buy that actually

Who was in the boats event ?

/activate ITA hitrate increase

kiiruma atlas marl wind crich wisdom

That’s beyond the point. I mostly wanted to know if Italy had any more information about what happened, cause they were pretty confident about it.

it wasnt a shot

if there’s another wolf in boats it’s probably atlas
windy basically gave the reins to crich as soon as it was her turn i think
she could have easily saved wisdom and had wisdom save kii
then kii picks me over crich and a villager likely dies

i’m confused

Who looks the worst iyo?

that post could also have just been her trying to shade the people in the event

Nvm gonna sponge this

Hi Nanook, how are you enjoying the game so far? :slightly_smiling_face:


it’s more a case of marl kiiruma crich being cleared

out of atlas/wind i’d go atlas because i townread wind’s d1 but i do think that needs a reread

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