Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

Greetings Warly. How fare thee?

I fare well! welcome to the game Wick

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Would you happen to have any opinions on Wortox and Wolfgang?

Glad to see that we caught a Maf. Always good to see one gone. IDK how many are left but my suspects are Wurt and Wolfgang. I suspect them tho because they voted me yesterday real quick. I think it was to deflect from voting Woodie? who knows but I am keeping an eye on them (need more evidence).


Wolf did a super quick vote on me which was sus and Wortox seems to be getting some hate from others tho tbh I am leaning on him being town

Why is my name comjng up today ffs

The two dead townies are the ppl who townread me the most alongside WX whos dying tonight. So clearly the good ppl who mafia are killing are townreading me so maybe copy them

Like wes lock towned me and wendy said immediately im town and annoying. Mafia know they were good players, so they killed them. I recommend taking in dead townies thoughts

But if u want the smoke im here ill unleash my inner wolfgang

I’ve used this argument before as both alignments so it doesn’t really help you too much there. Town can be wrong and are killed to make people be like “Oh we should follow the reads” or can be killed to shut them up because they’re right. We don’t know because we don’t know the solve, else we’d just win.

What a coincidence! I also have my suspicions on Wolfgang, though the reasoning might be rather underwhelming. I am currently reading through the logs, but I have finished reading everything Woodie had said, and it did strike me as odd how Woddie broke the tie and voted Wortox over Wolfgang and Wilson. I believe this implies Wortox is town, whereas Wolfgang is mafia.

We won’t exactly get anywhere just by talking alone. Therefore, I shall cast my vote upon my top suspect.

VOTE: Wolfgang

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Also everyone thought i was town EoD 1 when i was doing the capslock shitpost thing. Pretty sure i had an easy ride to like f5 automatically if I just kept doing that as mafia. Instead i stopped cuz i actually want to help town

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Admittedly that is a point in your favour however it was also annoying many people so could just get you killed due to people wanting it to stop. We already have a charming bot doing it.

Im just saying, the strong town thought i was town so want ppl to consider that


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You can say (almost) anything, it’s a forum with rules and as long as it doesn’t break them, go ahead!
Doesn’t make it true though :3


While I do not wish to desecrate the dead, is it not possible that the mafia had killed them exactly because they thought you are town? It would be a bold play, but it not an impossible one. Additionally, the two of them are the top second and top third poster. They might have been killed to silence the thread, no?

I agree that mafia needed to kill wes n1 anyway so im not saying “haha i cant be mafia because mafia wouldnt kill people who townread them” because thats not true obviously. If i was mafia id still proabbly have to kill wes/wendy/wx, who all coincidentally townread me (ecause all the strong town townread me)

Im simply saying to bear that in mind

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I’ve done it many a time myself, so I do concur.


I’m glad to see your slot has been paying attention to the game and has done some homework at least. Welcome on in.

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