Drama Mill Misc - Signups (3/∞)

drama mill misc strikes again

I think you shouldn’t be talking here as it doesn’t even involve you and you are just making yourself a third party to this and dragging it out. What I wanted to do was respond to Daeron and then I ended up responding to you because you were responding to meS

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You are acting like I want something or am trying to get something which feels weird considering what I’ve been doing is responding to mostly you and daeron

is it a bad thing that i don’t like to see my friends fight
also I thought it was just a bit in the beginning

They have the right to be upset, and they can quite rightly be upset at being the butt of the joke, but to take someone with a marjorie taylor greene profile picture posting a consistent and reoccuring meme structured post with multiple signals screaming “this is not serious” in a “Drama Mill Misc” thread makes me entirely unsympathetic toward them for actually believing they were being accused of something

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i mean yeah but like
what’s the point in responding further
like. are you just angry?

It’s important to recognise one’s audience when poking fun at others, especially when in jest even more so than when it’s serious, since it’s easy for misunderstandings to arise. Others can’t always be expected to appreciate jokes at their expense, nor should they need to be. Yada yada.


anyways i think we should just move on from this because this is stupid drama

On the bright side, I win drama mill misc.


wait were you taking the piss??

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this is so fucking confusing

You happened to pick the worst person for falsely accusing someone of something, I genuinely got pissed off


i asked if this was a bit like three times and received a no every time and then that?

Then what instant win condition did you succeed at??

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I don’t really see what’s confusing about it. I was pissed off and then I made a joke about the whole drama in the drama misc. I still don’t really understand what you are trying to achieve in like, constantly questioning what I’m doing.

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you know im just going to leave this here

in the future can we like. Not get hung up on this

Something that screams “this is not serious” to you may not scream that to others, and I think it is very valid for Litten to be upset that others might read what you said out of context and assume it’s the truth that he didn’t pay the artist. I can’t make you have empathy but I would appreciate if you tried to see his perspective and didn’t make jokes at others’ expenses or accuse them of things like that if you aren’t sure they would be alright with it