Dust & Vashes (FoL) - Night 4 (7/15)

Enlighten me then

Who is the mafia, and why?

That doesn’t stop someone from playing crazy as mafia

There’s many games that town can win w/o going for the cw D1? Also it’s literally D2? We’ve miselimmed once? Yet the game is already screwed for Ig

Ah apologies I should’ve made myself more clear

Canping and Frost have done more than Bystander and Soweli

Now sure Frost never makes sense but they’ve done things

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The upside is that it hopefully means they will survive to a late day, unless we accidentally vote them out

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I’ll be honest, I’m surprised a gun didn’t go off yet

Makes me wonder if the gun person can’t shoot


Anyway I don’t rlly agree with your research Triss but I won’t comment further on it cuz I don’t wanna ruin your efforts

Probably cuz I’m not the PoE type of person, really

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@Chomps @Memekingpizza @soweli @gori

Where did you four go? Apologies if I’m mistaken, but it feels like I haven’t seen any of you in forever

I thought it was soweli at the time hut im not sure rn Reason for thinking sowelis maf is sowelis post that has ‘gori: i’m wolf caitlin: [I don’t remember what she said here] gori: why didn’t you respond to me saying i’m wolf :( caitlin: it was a towny wolfclaim’ Why this seems susp to me is why not check what caitlyn said first Anyways what makes me doubt it is sowelis post that said ‘Maybe take a second and dont claim’ I dont think a wolf would say anything like this and would instead wait to see if the player claims

Hmmm ok

Ig that reason for why Soweli is town works, yes

Who is mafia instead then, you think?

Repost for you

It does if soweli wasnt here on sod but if he was it doesnt do much as people were full cialming wolf roles

Who died tonight btw i forgot

Princess Abigail

Abigail the doc nvm

Uhhh I don’t recall whether Soweli was here at EoD

I don’t think so…?

How do i make text green

Triss I’m starting to think Kelsier is just town

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Not eod but sod