DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Real, but now guava has the notion of if I dont claim wolf im wolf and if I do claim it im still wolf lol

are you a wolf


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nobody is a wolf. It’s mafia duh

well i think


I think mafia = wolves

he said yes :man_shrugging:
VOTE: Kork


Drinks (1): Marluxion
Memekingpizza (1): Kanave
Kanave (1): Memekingpizza
Kork (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (10): Kork, Bylamir, Hazardwaste, Apocryphal, MerpyDerpy, ElizaThePsycho, Kiiruma, Drinks, PrincessPeach, BeesWax

Are you blind that clearly says yesnot which means not yes :confused:


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well you said yes and maybe you should have said no

why did you ask drinks first? i mean like i feel the last and only mafia game i have played with them was the last Upick invitational.

sorry i have been missing.
work is shit

Goin to bed, goodnighteo


they were online


Ah…. Ok yeah fair

Dead quiet… i’ll read back in a sec i guess to fill the silence

I wear glasses

I do not wear said glasses when I sleep

Removing glasses is one of my methods of forcing myself to stop procrastinating sleep because viewing the world without them is Weird:tm: (The funny thing about that is that I have only had them for about a year and barely even need them (my right eye is slightly blurry with distant objects. (I would have happily gone on with my life not getting glasses if it wasn’t for me renewing my license and having a moment where I couldn’t actually read something for the mini eye exam they do to make sure you can actually see))

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How fucking dare you, this is sourced from a google image search of one of my favorite characters in RWBY >:(

Yes, but in non-multiball set ups the difference is negligible