DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)


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@Hazardwaste You are a wolf, what do you say in your defense

Hypothetically if i were to move my vote i just do the same thing as normal voting?



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I await eagerly for the results of Memeking learning how to change his vote

100th post nya

Oh how I love not being bound by a post count

*Post Cap


It could be argue that I am, in that I am compelled to see how fast I can hit the what a normal post Cap would be in capless games

VOTE: Merpyderpy
Vote jumpscare to wake them up. Right this is how it works?

That is exactly how it works

But chances are it might be a minute before Merpy responds

If I had a nickel for every person I knew that went by a variation of Merp/Merpy I’d have two nickels

Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that I know two of them

The amount of times i have ran into a person who goes by meme is two. Which isn’t a lot ot should happen more which is shocking


The pain of being a high posting thread camper in a sea of low posters is that you wanna post but at the same time you shouldn’t because it makes it that much harder for the others to read and understand the game

And yet

Girl this isn’t about the expectations because I have seen you play well on main it’s about what the fuck is this Meme read you’re better than this