DW Invitational 3: Danganronpa: Memories of the Past: 8/14 Day 4 (Chapter 2)

Haven’t read enough


I mean, I would recommend looking at the posts I sent you. It may give you some ideas as to who to trust/distrust. It lays out everyone’s reads and some quotes they’ve said. I would love to hear your insight

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Again, if you’re town, the inactivity is done and over with. You still have a chance to make for lost time and just give us a bunch of info :hugs:

ok why?


Their posts are MASSIVE scummy

That doesn’t explain anything :tolt:

You’ve got to give us more than the Among Us classic “[Color] sus” to go off of

that isnt a reason
elaborate on what makes them scummy

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well yeah it’s called a gutread

gutreads have reasons for them
something caused the read
what was it and why

a gutread isnt just making shit up

you think i know that like hours after i made the read?
I tried to explain it when I made the read and didn’t do a good job
i would do a WORSE job now

everyone who has been active in thread has voted someone lol

looks at kiiruma and bylamir

I effectively havent voted

wait but thats everything i do in mafia! I just make shit up and cite MU threads and wikis to make it seem like I know what im talking about

ok so what does that tell you about the read

Ah, I thought you were just voting me still

which is not a vote in this boardstate