EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

You have won the ability to message me one name and i will not attack them tonight


look behind you

hi gm

trochi has left the game, will be flipping him shortly


Top 25 gg ez

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I am a misc god

Flower has wilted. (They were @Trochilidae who left the game)

Trochi Role PM

Sonic The Werehog


You are an alternate form of Sonic the Hedgehog, caused by exposure to Dark Gaia energy that started showing up after the planet split apart. Your monstrous form grants you new abilities, allowing you to absolutely shred through Dark Gaia’s minions with plenty of over-the-top combos, in exchange for you losing your traditional speed.

Health: 10
Might: 3

Were-Claw (Basic Attack)
Standard, Unlimited, Damaging, H, Targeted 1

Target ALIAS takes damage equal to your Might.

Critical Attack
Active, Unlimited, Utility, H, Targeted 1

If ALIAS began the night with 4 HP or less, they die regardless of protection. Otherwise, ALIAS’s standard shot fails.

Unleashed Mode
Active, Unlimited, Disruptive, B, Targeted 1

ALIAS’s Active abilities cannot be blocked, redirected, delayed, or modified.

Dark Gaia Corruption

Any attempts to investigate your role PM will fail.

You win if you are one of the last 3 players alive.


Damn troch had a crazy role

So they could basicly double kill each night?

Not bad.

Any other doctors wanna slide into my dms feel free

Im just healing random ppl

Which doesnt seem optimal

F Trochi


If you really have an npc and you want me to give them a gift, tell me their alias.

(Theoretically people could also tell me the alias of one of their allies and I wouldn’t know who it is, but idk if people are willing to do that)

Im allied with xblade give them gift pls

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If you agree to do this, sure.
But replace ‘Morbius’ with ‘Fibonnaci’.

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I’ve submitted it, XBlade will receive it whenever the hosts process it.

Oh wow a million dollars thanks jane


i mean

:shield: i42XBlade
@everyone (3:23 AM)
Let’s do some private testing for this new Fool mechanic!

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