EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

theres 26

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let it be known that I’ll win this game after claiming my alias n1


Hi Gaymers

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Winning feels impossible right now, but you can survive some of the way. That’s how you’re feeling right now.
If you can get that far, suddenly winning doesn’t seem that far off.

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just find a protective to hug


Magnus is definitely planning to stab you

im a protective

i’m a protective

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I’m not the villain I appear to be.

dont claim abilities in pubchat
it gets you targeted

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if people are scared of certain others I can protect 2 people from 2 other specific people
of course this requires you to tell me your alaias and know an alais of someone who is targetting you so :woman_shrugging:


Damnit, I forgot that discourse makes meme arrows into actual formatting, ruining the purpose of using them

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why are you so good at sounding smarrrtttt

Imagine claiming anything in pubchat



yes i am aware

dw the ability i claimed is bad

Ha jokes on you all!
I’m my own protective!

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