You know
Yeah he lied about his alias to me as well
For me, Apprentice told me he was Driver
legitmately don’t know why
okay ur dead congrats?
Found the bounty guy
He does that knew he would kinda funny cause ya you kinda have to trust people with info here
Honestly best way to use it I think
Italy was the saddest death ever
I tried so fucking hard to prevent it
On his birthday as well.
There’s no mercy in this world.
I sure italy appreciates how sad you are about his death
…an entire turn cycle after it happened
He didn’t die exactly on his birthday, if we’re counting irl days, but his birthday overlapped with the game day.
The birthday hat is a worthwhile tribute.
Your forgot Kanave
I actually copied Kanave’s photo, I must’ve moved it off the frame or something. It was originally meant to have Atlas’s gravestone, but I moved it… somewhere. Rip.
Bounty was fake. Makes sense tbh.
Im curious if they knew aloases of people they placed bounty on. Cause then it would be damn nice betrayal.
So maybe Apprentice lied about his alias cause I was like “who’s the bounty person?”