EIMM Game Thread - Game Over [Litten, Ruby, Aelin Win]

How do flips work exactly


thats the one part i dont know

There is a lot of negativity in thread right now and I just want to say it is all being directed poorly because you are ALL wonderful beautiful people. Instead of getting angry at each other we need to face our common enemy: Xblade .

Now I want to begin this by saying I hate rumours and unconfirmed gossip but I think there is a very real and genuine possibility that xblade is actually the antichrist. Again, this isnt a smear campaign, I am just asking questions and I want that to be clear. These are some of the questions we should be asking.

Where was xblade when the Corona Virus started? I certainly don’t know where they were and if they can confirm they weren’t in Wuhan planning the whole thing.

Where was xblade when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated leading to WW1? I’ve never seen xblade even mention there whereabouts at the time.

Has anyone ever seen Judas and xblade together? I think not.

Where was Xblade when the dinosaurs got wiped out? I personally know arete has no respect for life, human or otherwise, and it is AWFULLY convenient no one can place them during the MURDER of the dinosaurs.

Eventually these sort of instances stop becoming “coincedences” which we can ignore and form part of a larger pattern of corruption, evil, and immorality.

I argue it is our responsibility, nay, duty, to force xblade to face the consequences of their actions and everyone they have hurt.


Wrong name?


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power is justice

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How often have you posted that copypasta?

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five times
I actually was replacing every instance of lord draskk so the fact that Arete survived is surprising


i agree and support your holy crusade


Is this a call to arms, for everyone to attack the xBlade alias? Or just a joke?

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This is a call to arm
For so long has Xblade lied to our faces, terrorized poor mods, kill innocent orangeandblack5’s

no more I say
It is time they pay


I will join and support anyone who helps me on this endeavor in anyway possible


death to tyrants


hi someone asked roles are revealed on death this will be edited into the op


oh no my ringe taste in characters will be outed, better win the game so no one finds out



my character is a sin

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