I expcet they’re willing to double-cross me but given I have a rgoue it should be ok? I mean they can strongwill. That would suck. But
Chomps can’t strongwill their own action, but it means in order to save your life, Chomps cannot be allowed to live with another player tonight who might attack you… which is fine, anyhow. Chomps has no reason to strongwill an attack against you, probably? Particularly since the only players who could advise such are Jane and Bystander, neither of whom seem trusted.
If it’s a pressing concern, Hippo could potentially halt Chomps from strongwilling either at all without interfering with your own actions.
Pwn actions
Actions which pwn someone
You’re usually thorough enough to not send mesasages with typos in so I have to take what I can get
I’ll correct that malfeasance when I can hide the edit.
And yet it’ll never be hidden from me
My actions often have minute falsities brought upon from sleep or exhaustion! You just don’t notice them because Litten brought your standards low!
He truly did
If bystander really is Duck and she wanted the heal then she’s probably low
Charlotte visited by Skarlight, Medal, Sunflower pvz
Skarlight couldn’t have attacked me, so Marluna would’ve needed to use Psychopomp on me.
Sunflower claims to have attacked me, which is questionable.
Medal was weakened to the perfect threshold… except Medal is Bystander, who would’ve needed to split damage on me for no reason.
I’ve already boosted Hippo, yada yada.
Chomps is (allegedly) willing to strike Jane/Bystander.
Jane is allegedly willing to strike Bystander.
May is in harm’s way, nobody else here really is.
Rather than causing the same issue as last time, Hippo should manage two standard attacks, giving us a total sixteen damage. May can redirect a standard shot if needed, given a functional nineteen damage. We can do this with Hippo guarding May from whichever two slots they aren’t attacking, and redirecting the third. I can also weaken one of those slots in case they attack another one of us. We don’t really need to go more drastic.
I don’t care who’s killed beyond the thoughts I’ve already shared.
I cant stop duck from attacking may
It’s likelier to assume Bystander protected Chomps last night… which could account for May’s kill failing, in which case Chomps could still be low.
Given Hippo’s overdramatic challenge in public just earlier, healing Hippo at low priority tonight might be a worthwhile venture from May’s perspective on the former’s preferred target. A damage split is unlikely at this juncture, but a flip is potentially plausible.
Anyhow, I’ll be drooping off shortly.
The question is who attacked me for 6 damage yesterday… was it Jane? bystander? childe? Chomps? Hhh
Hippo, can you see visitors if their visits are blocked?
I learn which aliases visit target alias so highly doubt it, think its just normal lookout
I dmd bystander saying some waffle and they just liked the message and said nothing so i think my cover may be blown that i blocked attacks last night and janes remembered that it was my ability