All it was intended to do was transmute any quantity of one element into your native element.
Anyway who wants to bully the moderator?
All it was intended to do was transmute any quantity of one element into your native element.
Anyway who wants to bully the moderator?
I’m planning to make the moderator become a human and lose tbeir status as a god like creature, and confine them into a coliseum for our enteral amusement
do you wish to join me?
I wish to burn them at the stake, then burn them into steak
that can be arranged
And I’m saying now, if you want your starting element, you always can bid…
But that’s boring and too slow for my ritualistic fingertips
It’s slow because you all are making it slow.
Correct people can bid the same thing causing multiple tons of it
after all i bid twice and now have elements to work with later
It’s as slow as we want it or as fast as we want
All the power is in our hands the mod is here for rulings and balence
love you Marluna
Im explore this island a bit
As a Magician compatible with air, you travel easily around the flowing parts of the island, when you reach the shore, however, a voice suggests that you might be walk through the force field somehow. When you try jump off the island, the force field stops you anyway…
Oh shit i can fly!
Alright! Explore inland, looking for iron and coal resources.
is that a spell tf
It says i can travel with flow so im thinking it is a natural skill given im air
I wish to rocket jump. As a fire bender, I am able to do such
Do you really wanna do that? Yah you could rocket jump, but you are not immune to death and smashing against a mountain or the ground when you hard land does not sound like a nice death
I’m here for a good time not a long time
Actions are locked
element production is about to get started for dark elements
message me when you want your element mass produced and I’ll try to set up one in your realm
Everyone having control over their own element production seems like a good check and balance for the start of resource production
you look for natural metal, but you cannot recognize those with your eyes, even if it is in front of you in the earth, so you need to give up this search eventually
you rocket jumps