ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

actually ngl

If we vote them and they do flip town we might be able to protect genie and keep you and Simon alive

VOTE: leafia

I’m pretty sure Jake is spewing and voting their partner

Honestly? Despite the actions of Jake wasting our time, I actually want Kiiruma to flip first.

One issue with voting Leafia out is -as mentioned by CD- if Leafia is V, then mafia always kills Guava, and we would enter D4 with 4v3 LYLO with no new information.

I am think CD has the correct mindset; leave Leafia/Guava alone; let Genie grant someone a wish (and pray Genie targets town); let the wish be a simple alignment cop; and finally have the alignment cop check Leafia.

@Kiiruma, update your VC.
Who are Jake’s scumbuddies?

Thank you by the way, but also: He literally said he can’t be arsed to figure out what your alignment is, so I highly doubt he will change his read on me.

I’d say likely 2 of Jaiden/Icet/CD but I can’t say that as a certainty.

By killing Leafia here, we’re getting some info on guava.
But only if we can trust CD.

Which, while Icet does trust CD and so I want to trust them too, I’m sorta on the tightrope with them.
I could see them flipping either way.
I mean I’ve had both of them as suspicions for a good while but decided to go Jake here instead.

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What’s your thoughts on beancat?

Why did you say “We can get info on Guava by killing Leafia” when you have Jaiden/Icet/CD as your primary POE? If you don’t trust CD, then you ought to trust Jake.

I know you’re not dumb, so assuming CD is town and Jake is BS’ing, why would you prefer killing one within Leafia/Guava over simply waiting for one more day so Genie can turn someone into alignment cop to resolve both Leafia/Guava?

Is there any reason for t!Jake or t!CD to lie about having the wish

That isn’t “cuz it’s funny :crazy_face:” from Jake

I kinda trust beancat but I’m not certain on it.
Also for sure I prefer killing into Leafia/Guava rather than waiting a day.

Mafia have a damn rolecop, for all we know mafia might at this exact time, know who the cop is.

Cuz its funny, if it’s jake (Yes I did see your second post. But honestly I think that’s the only real answer…) also I think I can see Jake/CD being W/W with one of them having the wish. As Jake’s likely to flip here, it makes CD look better

I think we definitely flip at least one of them though right? It’s hard to see a world where this is t/t (though I said that about Hazard/CD and given the way Jake is acting I’m starting to think yhat was wrong :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:)

I mean we definitely flip one of them.
It’s just a question of if we flip them today or tomorrow.
And it seems people are opting for tomorrow which is… ok?
But the only way we get info from doing this is from CD flipping too.

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CD’s behavior is too reckless for them to lie, but I “technically” can see one reason why Jake would lie about being the wish-holder. I won’t say it so he can’t steal my answer, but uh… I’ll just go ahead and say it’s still a stupid reason to lie.

Kiiruma. Kiiruma. You recently voted wrong at F3 LYLO in Stratagem-27. Are you sure you would risk throwing two confirmations away rather than waiting for one more cycle?

I also voted right in F5 LYLO in Strategem-27 and went against my gut instinct in order to do so.
Don’t you try and do your haunting little words and prod and poke at me you fucker :stuck_out_tongue:
I already feel terrible about that mistake, but hey, it happens.

VOTE: JakeTheWolfie

Yes, you voted correctly in F5, when there was no other information present. Leafia claimed Hider, and you went against your gut instinct to vote her. …so why would you want the same situation to happen again?

If we wait out now, we would have either two confirmed town or two confirmed wolf. Why would you want to throw this away, and go back into the hellhole that is “LYLO with zero information”?

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If jake softed getting a wish and it’s not mylo then he should just die.

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