ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

In the game where I can’t self vote?! I feel betrayed

L-5 doesn’t exactly sound dangerous

Anyway, I’m time to do this
Though this is fairly vanilla, so less mechanical solving sadly.

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jaiden, do you like wolfing or nah?

VOTE: Corrupted_Dreamer

I don’t know you which means you should die /j

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its really dangerous. my friend kyle was on L-5 once and he was dead minutes after. Of course it was the Red Citroen C1 which made him the victim of vehicular manslaughter but i cant shake the feeling that L-5 had something to do with it


quietly ticks off “mention vehicular manslaughter” on my todo list

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fuck yeah. wolfing is great
its like playing a character but i get to play the coolest character, me

…i can’t say ive enjoyed my wolfgames here very much though. i think if i did thatd be concerning because they have SUCKED

I think both games I’ve been in where you were scum you were executed d1

And one of them was a cfd

so true. guava are you genie


Was really tempted to say yes but I am once again vt

backup genie?

Forgot that was even a role

youre a genie

, harry

Why are you pushing this claim on me
It feels like you’re trying to get someone to cover for you

Not sure that wish would work and not sure what to think about the suggestion honestly.

Very slim townlean for this opener. I like it.

Probably not w/w with Arctic.

Jaiden is giving me villagery vibes too honestly.