ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

…you fucker

Am I still top wagon

you’re top 2

You can display conviction without being rude about it you know and if you were a villager, you wouldn’t be so quick to condemn me for wanting you dead.

CD is playing too suicidally here to be a wolf imo. they could easily just shut up and vote hazard, instead of saying “okay kill jaiden after this, kill leafia after this” because all that’s doing is getting people to vote them.\ they haven’t tried to appease a single person or convince them to get off them. they are just adding fuel to the fire on themselves which imo proves they aren’t worried about what they say and they’re just saying what they believe. you don’t have to read into the townslip if you don’t want, but i really don’t think the rest of his play is wolf behaviour


I’m voting myself because I’m certain on someone’s alignment to the point that I am willing to die so that you can look back and say “cd was town, he was probably right on leafia, they should be voted today”


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(i was on hazard before i simply am getting back on because leafia got off and they were no longer at L-2, it was simply comedic timing. love ya darling)

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A scum that wants to fake a townslip.

guava i dont particularly like how youre playing here actually

i am tinfoiling a world where these wagons are both wrong and ash/jaiden/leafia are all mafia

am i going to do anything about this today? probably not

Don’t execute me k thanks bye

Our votes today are

  • hazard, for ppl that disagree with me
  • guava, for ppl that agree with me
  • eliza, for ppl that want eliza ig

CD’s not a valid vote, let ppl calm down

i’m fine with you calling me mafia
but calling me mafia with leafia is just rude


then kill me

oh my gods

that does fit the mafia stereotype theory

don’t actually
why do you think it’s me

You’ll never be willing to see how wolfy CD has been, will you?

That’s dumb. He is literally me from a couple years ago. Attacking him is the equivalent of attacking my past self.

Ugh. I’ll just mute you.

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