ENA Genie 13er - mafia won lol update ur title hosts 🤓 <- katze

  1. this isn’t a thing that exists
  2. where, and on who?

Granted, it was the first example I grabbed, not the best one.

i want as many as you can find tbh

Currently on mobile rn, bit too much of an ask.

before day ends i want it

Remind me when I get home

how am i supposed to know when you get home /lh

When I get home, ofc

ah, right, i forgot we live together


what im trying to get at is
why jake and not me? genuinely curious

name shorter.

less metal.

more fur.

We all live on these forums, it is our state of being.
Just a shame that we can’t work out if our housemates are trying to murder us or not.
And then the cycle restarts and we act like everything is fine.


your a cool guy talking about GameStop. definitely not a cop.

Good morning! While i have you hear jake could you tell me a name of a game here where you were scumteam?

Havent played with evil jake before so would like to see what they are like

my parents nearly named me jake. also as im sure you are aware im a cat
we are much more similar than you would first believe

I’m also hella gay


haven’t played scum in like forever

you can look at my wiki page on mafias’cum



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ElizaThePsycho (6): Hazardwaste, JakeTheWolfie, Arctic, beancat, Jaiden, Zone_Q11
Hazardwaste (5): ElizaThePsycho, IcetFeelsPain, Corrupted_Dreamer, Ashlyn, Leafia
Corrupted_Dreamer (1): guavagudetama
IcetFeelsPain (1): Kiiruma


Corrupted_Dreamer (3): JakeTheWolfie, guavagudetama, Leafia
Hazardwaste (2): Ashlyn, IcetFeelsPain
Zone_Q11 (1): beancat
Leafia (1): Zone_Q11
IcetFeelsPain (1): Kiiruma

Not Voting (3): Hazardwaste, Corrupted_Dreamer, Jaiden

I forgot why Guava was Mafia but seriously this works so well

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the self meta-er