ENA Genie 13er - Signups (13/13) ACCEPTING BACKUPS/SPECS

if we cant wish for more genies can we wish for more backup genies :wowee:

…sure i guess?
the backup genie only lasts until n3 :joy_cat:

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time to cheese this because if we have 12 backup genies then kill the town genie then every one becomes a genie simultaneously :)

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anyways im probably not gonna join just bc im not sure i can bear to play a mountainous 13er for only like a 30% chance of making one wish
glgl tho


it actually was, i swear. YBW just cant type. (also, he has a point with the fixes, you cant really think of everything in this one)

Is this a serious /in?

Does it look like a serious in?

Would Dum have asked if it doesn’t?



I wish to kill every non mafia player

Someone didn’t read the OP

who does

This clown was BLATANTLY CAUGHT not reading the example wishes



Oh boy… /in why not

can you make it so the genie can target itself once a game
kinda seems unfun that the genie can’t make a wish

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Is something wrong, Hazard?

Like in general or currently. Cause your gonna get different answers

Hazard is good at more mechanical games, less social ones.
Most things here are vanilla so I think that’s what Hazard is worried about.

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Also the wish granting reminds me of the Diamond Arc Crossing article writing.
So it’s time to put my creativity to the max.