Enemy Within (Deus Ex 5) 10/18 - Town/NSF Victory

I still hate that kii claimed my role d1


if he was strongman

i would never fucking do that tbh

framer? yeah, thats bussable tbh

hey asshole trochi tried to get y’all out of that mess

Shit to work on: try to be more active as wolf and less spectatey

and maybe chill on d1 bussing, but we will see

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i still maintain that wasn’t the worst idea actually

you and windward need to be mafia together

Also seth read on me

i understand from his perspective that like

in his mind, it makes sense for gamestate why i am wolf

but like man believed every claim that came out of peoples mouths
it was hilarious

really now? jk I don’t blame you

honestly its hard to comment on my play because I got fuuuuuuucked by the N1 kill I didn’t even know what screw me

Wind would die d1, espically if arctic was in the game

you did fine Trochi


actually was like

super wolfy after d1

idk why you killed him

should have went for like hippo

they also claimed hacker
and i spelled out HACKER in the first letter of my beginning posts

also for your all information

I killed Geyde because I was a rampager and wanted a multi kill

I’m only kind of dumb okay



oof thats a rip

lucky for me i had no abilities

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arctic is never gonna trust me ever for a bit on my pushes lmao


did i save arctic N1 btw
