Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [2/9] - Evil Wins

VOTE: the

I asked how it’d function yesterday. Irrespective of your alignment, the gift is meant to be balanced between alignments, give and take for both sides. The only variance would really be who received it.

Wow my name is the now


the is sus

oh i just noticed 8 minutes to eod

Which team do you think you’re on so far, Bionic?


the winning team :sunglasses:

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Well, I’m using the item and I’ll get back to you tomorrow xD

Did not mean to reply to Bionic lmao



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Nominator Nominee # Voters
pandora Mistyx 0
Magnus thepigeonnyc 3 pandora, Magnus, Bionic
Prisma101 crazynuto 0
pandora Magnus 1 pandora
Jarek Kiiruma 3 pandora, Jarek, Magnus
Not Voting 7 Prisma101, Mistyx, Jarek, thepigeonnyc, Bionic, Kiiruma, Moll, crazynuto, May

thepigeonnyc (3): pandora, Magnus, Bionic
Kiiruma (3): pandora, Jarek, Magnus
Magnus (1): pandora

Not Voting (7): Mistyx, thepigeonnyc, Kiiruma, Moll, crazynuto, May, Prisma101

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Nobody has been executed. Peculiar.

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Sorry… I can feel something coming up my throat. Give me a… moment

Magnus has died. Eight players remain.

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Day will end forty-eight hours from now

Looked at the little suspense message. Went “oh I wonder who’s died, probably Magnus”. It was Magnus