Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [2/9] - Evil Wins

Occam’s Razor says Jarek and Pigeon are evil. Both have red flags regarding their respective role spaces, yet we chased Pandora just because she fit the Demon profile.

But May…

Way too late for people to start being paranoid about me

I gave people a choice yesterday it wasn’t taken now being paranoid like this just means I’ll be kept alive

It’s kinda nice being a character that has no mechanical stake in anything. Although I need to check something rq…

Was I nominated last day?

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Actually I don’t think I was, despite Moll voting on me. So nvm

I’ll claim to you
/whisper Magnus

Not really. Your information doesn’t have an explainable cause to be wrong.

Pandora nominated you.

Why would my information be wrong in the first place


Objectively speaking my role gives subjective info from the ST’s there’s essentially no way to tell if it’s wrong in the first place so I’m entirely not sold on the fact I was ever drunk aside from the day where I obviously was when I learned myself

I’m not saying you’re evil but I am saying your insistence on me being drunk and my information having to be droisoned or fake is starting to make me think

Specially when you said it D2 like at that point the names I’d learned were prisma and myself on the night before we whispered

what’s so iron-clad about prisma that not only could they not be the most helpful to good but they also couldn’t be the most helpful for evils either to the point that that alone just meant I can’t be telling the truth

I’m just confused I don’t see it

FWIW I think my name was the name that most helped evils because prisma gained an ability from a traveller (that I could have droisoned and ruined) and also had other abilities, and then all I did was go and tell them that so they didn’t trust their information.

I have no idea what the evils were doing or could have done before the day ended early but given the fact that my role (and myself) did that, I’d say if prisma is a role of any actual use then I definitely “helped” evils that day by muddying those waters.

I still think I may have poisoned or made you drunk because of my choice of your name on the same night

So it might have messed up your result keeping mine safe

Other copies of the Vast ability + not detecting Jonah Magnus kills when your role should effectively be a gamestate motion detector, irrespective of whether the Demon is Jonah Magnus or not.

Almanac: The Vast poisons the player who most helped their team win today, Good helping Good or Evil helping Evil. The Storyteller may not poison players for helping the opposite team win.

Prisma’s role was mechanically detrimental on the first day on two fronts, hinting at a madness break which wasn’t punished and Spiral-selecting the only arbitrary Townsfolk in the rand, and therefore would likely not a valid target on N2.

Plus there’s no explanation for you being drunk the entire game, meaning aside from your N3, all of these need to be justified with discretionary reasoning.

What I got is what I got if I learned prisma and you died then either prisma is the minion and evil or it’s not jonah magnus

I don’t really have anything for the rest of these but I got what I got I refuse to believe my entire game doing nothing was wasted by being poisoned by any given role I didn’t nominate there’s basically no reason a minion wants me poisoned over anyone else it just doesn’t make sense

Unless this minion was involved making people register as evil. Sasha james May would make me register as evil making me the most helpful evil player (as a misregistration) and would still work.

Prisma being the most helpful good player in that case would still be something I have no idea about but given it was my first ping chances are it was a tossup anyway. Demon isn’t the one that works like my ability or I’d have just known.

Prisma is confirmed Good from my own Corruption ability. If Prisma was the Minion, your information would make perfect sense; but as it is, in your Gertrude world, it just falls apart and I’m really sorry.

Nobody asked for it, but I guess my current acting world is that you’re Sasha James, Kiiruma is the original Jonah Magnus who jumped to May after learning her role in whispers, Moll was targeted because they specifically nominated May the current Demon, Pandora and Pigeon are both good-aligned which confirms both of the above as having false information, and I jumped the horse.

I mean I can’t be killed anymore anyway so I must ask why you’re more focused on me than the four alive