Still 5AM
I’m not the most useful person on the good team though :Sob
I was going to say “I’m not even that tired everything I hear is real” but it’s not true I’ve realised that I closed Ruina and so the music should Not be playing right now
You might remember how you posed the idea earlier. I checked it, and figured I’d let you know since it was impossible, I’d share that too.
Mayyy why would you be evasive with claiming to Kiiruma but not to me? I could’ve been evil too.
You were dead N1
And also I’m relentlessly biased
Jonah Magnus Fang Gu jump versus Gertrude Vigormortis jump.
I need to host a BOTF again
to be honest I’m being suspected as a minion anyway so long as people actually hear me out I don’t mind that neccessarily
Not that I’d have any clue who to shoot for, but whatever
If you ask me the demon would be better off killing me
Also you requested it in the tone of voice I’m literally incapable of saying no to
There’s a difference in my reaction between somebody asking me about my role and somebody authoritatively saying “you’re going to tell me everything”
Trouble Brewing + Zealot.
You make it sound so weird!
I actually was thinking of a script with banshee in it at the very least. The possibility of a role that has use post-death could be fun in a forum setting.
Not on purpose! That’s just the truth!