Face Your Fears (BOTC) - [2/9] - Evil Wins

In looking at the town composition again, this would have to be an incredibly quick game

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Alright, I’m around for a bit. Need to check out what these whisper rules are. I always love sitting next to travellers, it makes it weird when it comes to whispering neighbours because I neighbour 1 player and 1 traveller x3

I just picked seat 4 because I don’t know what they really do outside of player roles/abilities and 4 is just my favorite number xD

Fair. 8’s my lucky number though not my favourite number (because I’m a nerd when it comes to that part)

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4 is both for me

It’s the youngest I remember being and it was my fourth birthday

I’m four years younger than my older sister and four years older than the third eldest (I’m the second)

Those are obviously some cherry picked examples, but they are examples nonetheless

I like 4 and it seems to be the number I see most

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good morning

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i agree wirh magnus that a minimum number of townies should make noms

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20 minutes past midnight for me, so yes

Good morning

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i just wanted to say that archivist is a very very funny demon

Care to explain why?

for flavor reasons and also “i don’t kill i gain powers” is a very funny alt wincon

wait can’t we just mass convert to win if demon is Jonah magnus?


Jonah magnus can convert 1 people to evil each night

people can just willingly be targets and get the most jonah magnus in the game

therefore giving a mass evil win to almost everyone

I assume this means only one person can be converted per game

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How has this chat been so empty this is like even worse than Dorian Grey and that was already bad