FAM 2 Signup Thread [54/X] [CLOSED]




When it start?


Nvm june 22nd im blind

cant you just ask for likes

give me likes everyone

or I’ll fucking


Shit myself



kinda mid tbh


Nope that’s some ways off.

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When does this start


We have the check stubs from seperate accounts

Amost $1,000 paid /in different amounts

Paid to a Mr James Reynolds way back is 1791

Is that what you have, are we done?

You are uniquely situated by virtue of your position

Though virtue is not a word that I’d apply to this situation

To seek financial gain you strayed from your sacred mission

And the evidence suggests you engaged in speculation.

An immigrant embezzling our government’s funds.

I can almost see the headline

Your Career is done!

I hope you saved some money for your daughter and son

Ya best run back from where ya come from!

A week or 2

Not signing up but just want to say. How the hell do you get 50 players for a single game? This is insane! O_O

We’re just going to yeet one player after another

~approximately the 22nd but not impossible to start a bit later

probably not earlier

other sites have ran mashes with over 3 times this :joy_cat:

they are, indeed, insane

This is the match of the year

There’s no other game like that.

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People keep talking about BOATS and I’m really torn between curiosity and wanting to go in blind for maximum hilarity…

One time everyone got poisoned besides the guy that has immunity (turns out to be mafia) when they jumped out of the boat when they see explosions going off

the second time, I don’t know how, someone triggered to explode when they did something wrong and didn’t even bother to communicate with the other BOAT participants which could have done so to avoid such accident.

So yeah maybe I am curious to jump on this one.

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