FAM 3: Chloe + Litten Neighborhood

at least atlas will shut up about eliza now i guess

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who should i make the backup to take the 100% ita

atlas probably

ok done enjoy ur pseudo-dayvig

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on the bright side my stocks of killing people have went up

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my role makes me town just ftr btw fyi

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i love these cat gifs i feel happier now

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Can you buy earth essence

i’ll be back in an hour or two then will get to solving

i have no mana

you should get mana

well i havent yet :joy_cat:

if i do i can get earth sure

I think it’s probably a protect which is op at this stage of the game

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its nice knowing that catbae is capable of going insane too

he voted atlas lmao

it’s nice knowing there are 26 other idiots

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do you wanna bet it’s insomnia lol

osu would def be redacted

also I got mana noob

ya i jsut bought earth