FAM 3: Chloe + Litten Neighborhood

God I’m so good at video games

if we’re wrong im gunna feel so dumb LMAO

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idk how to interpret this beahvior besides open wolfing lmao

feel like she’d be like “fine. kill me then and see my rolecard. you’re all bad” as v

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i kinda want to see who leafia shoots before firing

I also think she’s a wolf fwiw but she open wolfs with her shot 100% if wolf

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if she shoots me :skull:

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Was it actually apoc/leafia

idk apo is bussing hella hard here if so and dying at eod

thats terrible play

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Not shooting asap btw

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Leafia is gone cuz wolf typing right

Preparing to shoot achro rigjt


theres 15m so shrug thats a long time to write an ita

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I don’t have it copy and pasted btw

leafia hasn’t attempted to solve for two days which is a wolf meta trait for her btw

lmao she claimed earth essence

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i just don’t think she’s v I will be very shocked if she is lmao

i always waver on alignments right before someone is about to die lol

bad habit of mine

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I waited 5 secs