FAM 3: Host Jeopardy

nut im so glad you picked gray LMAO

the fuck is this nerd shit

aret aret


yeah thank god lmfao

hippo i think we should stick to geyde’s questions

i think going for 500 on anything except geyde was a mistake

i would have done it for breaking bad and evidently won

(Uhhh Eevee any help?)

Who is Billy?

somehow his are the least deranged host questions so far

the number of questions will be the same either way so that won’t actually make it faster

i think we should maybe just start going 200s to actually get them

or maybe 300 max

incorrect, question is open for stealing

:51 good :52 bad

remove the katzagory imo

if anyone gets this i am accusing u of googling it

nutella has a 500

u have been warned

That is a few years old story about sentinent computer in museum.

All I know.