Town Fish of JusticeSplash
Night Action — Compulsive, N1 only
This does absolutely nothing, because only insane people would do anything during the Night, and you’re probably dying N1 anyway.Evolve
Night Action — Compulsive, N2 only
Evolve into Gyarados, and learn Hyper Beam . If wolves haven’t killed you at this point, they’ll probably start regretting that very soon, if they aren’t already.Hyper Beam
Immediate Day Action — Key
Unlocked after using Evolve : Attack target player with Hyper Beam, killing them. No mercy, only death. If you haven’t found them Town yet, they probably aren’t Town anyway.You are Achromatic, Town Fish of Justice. You are a veteran who has an incredible grasp of which posts wolves tend to make, regardless of playstyle. Amazingly, your townreads are probably even stronger, and for this reason you are very often killed N1. When you are not, however, you want to punish the wolves for this mistake (or reward the villagers for not eliminating you D1
). Some people call you The Fish, but you are actually The Goat.
Word Match signups:
Does anyone have any questions about the rules?
- You will randomly be assigned to teams of two.
- Each team will be randomly assigned a pair of words (I reserve the right to WotM out unfair combinations.)
- Both players attempt to say a word that relates to the other two words. Your goal is to both say the same word in the fewest number of rounds.
- I reserve the right to disqualify any team that does not follow the spirit of the game. For example, it is not allowed to just agree to always say “joycat” as your first word.
- This game will be played over the course of 2 rounds. After round 1, I will eliminate all but 3 teams. The surviving team that matches in the fewest rounds in round 2 will be the winner. For the sake of time, I may move on to round 2 once the three surviving teams are locked in.
- If there is a tie in round 2, round 1 score will be use as a tiebreaker. If there is still a tie, all tied teams will play a tiebreaker round.
Do we need discord or no
assign me to a team with jail