FAM 4: Event Thread


it’s countdown but blackjack

@arete submitting privately?

wait can we use a calculator or a pencil/paper

or is it mental math only


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wait wtf is a normal calculator

Is it guaranteed that we can get the target perfectly

I only got some like insane one

If multiple players get the same number, is it based on the time they were submitted?


(made up example, real game will have 6 numbers and some will be bigger

Numbers are 2, 5, 7. Target is 13.

Alice submits 2 + 5 + 7 = 14.
Bob submits 7/2 + 5 = 8.5
Catherine submits 7*2 - 5 = 9

Alice gets last place, because she went over. Catherine’s number is closer than Bob’s without going over, so she gets first and Bob gets second.

If multiple people go over the one who went over by further loses harder, if you don’t submit an answer then you went over by infinity

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(if it weren’t for this rule I’d have been trying to write a program to solve this)

idts but also it’s highly likely (i think?)

Also are you able to change your answer throughout or is it the moment you submit it, it’s locked in

is there a ranking on when multiple ppl go over

  • You will be given six “component numbers” and one “target number”
  • Your goal is to perform mathematical operations on the six component numbers to get as close as possible to the target number without going over.
    • If the target number is 500, and you manage to get exactly 500, that is perfect. If you submit something that produces 501, that is worse than if you submit something that produces 1.
  • You must use each component number exactly once. You cannot leave any out. You cannot use the same number multiple times. You cannot submit any extra numbers.
  • The only operations you may use are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You may add parentheses if necessary.
    • You may not use exponents, roots, factorials, etc.
    • If you wish to use the * symbol to express multiplication, you may find it helpful to put a \ in front of it so that the forum does not attempt to render it as formatting. If you use x to mean “times” I’ll also know what you mean.
    • You may use the same operation multiple times.
  • You may use a normal calculator to perform basic calculations. You may not use it to perform anything more complicated (such as solving equations). You may not do any other research.
  • Once the numbers are selected, you will have ten minutes to submit your answers.

nvm i can read

12 is best here right?

can you rephrase

when r we starting